
A Time For Peace



form, tombstone

This form stands at the base of my proposed final resting place. Made of Tennessee marble and copper, the stone stands among the past generations of my family. The copper lines in front meet shadows from the sun at two times each day. At 11:14 am, a shadow meets the first line at my full height and travels to the second line at 12:36 pm, the time of my birth.


The form is rooted in the belief that there is in fact, a time for every action on the earth. This thought, characterized by the Bible verse above, describes death as simply another instance of time. It is unavoidable and everlasting.


Though I know at some time my life will end, my hope is for this tombstone to carry on and have one of its own. Each day, this tombstone performs its own rituals with the sun and shadows. On the left, the shadow reaches the time of birth. On the right, the shadow reaches my full height, covering the ground where I lay below.